Waiting for Autumn is an enchanting semi- autobiographical parable that reveals a deep and powerful message. This book follows Scott, an inquisitive seeker who meets a mysterious cardboard-sign-toting homeless man named Robert who has a sleepy black Lab puppy at his side and a penchant for changing lives.
Sparked by Robert’s unconventional wisdom, Scott is thrust into a spiritual adventure where he attempts to heal his past while confronting the spirit of his dead fiancĂ©e. He ultimately faces an extraordinary dilemma between his spiritual calling and earthly responsibilities.
Join Scott as he visits unseen worlds on his unique journey of self-discovery, where various spiritual modalities are revealed, including shamanic soul retrieval, energy healing, conscious eating, nature-spirit communication, kirtan, ancestral healing, and more. This metaphysical page-turner is a fascinating exploration of one humble soul’s profound awakening—with a surprise ending that will warm your heart.
This book was selected by Theresa for the Paranormal and Urban Fantasy genre.
The Book Snobs Gathering
The Gathering was held at Theresa's home. The small group enjoyed a delicious meal and great conversation. A wine tasting was the highlight of the treats that were served. Apparantly it's possible for wine to have undertones of "dirty horse" and this web-master needs to have her ears cleaned out. You'll have to guess what I heard when our hostess said the words "dirty horse." It would not be polite for me to mention it here.
The Snobs enthusiasticly discussed the supernatural and the afterlife. We also talked about the role of nature in our existence and the concept of consious eating. It was a fun and enlightening evening.
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